Thursday, October 22, 2009

Some Ways to Reduce our Carbon Footprint!

Below is a list composed of many little things we can do to reduce our carbon footprints and become more ethically and ecologically mindful.
  • Reduce water use by turning off the sink and shower in between times when you are doing things such as: brushing your teeth, washing dishes or shaving your legs, etc.
  • Use reusable, cloth shopping bags. 
  • Organize and host a community or neighborhood tree planting.
  • Buy local agriculture products.
  • Plant a garden in your backyard or utilize a community garden. 
  • Buy organic products
  • Shop to support local growers by utilizing farmers markets and the Moscow Co-op.
  • Unplug appliances when not in use. 
  • Keep your refrigerator stocked in order to use less energy. 
  • Use online bills and bank statements so as not to waste paper. 
  • Use reusable coffee mugs instead of paper ones.
  • Have a compost pile in your backyard. 
  • Turn off lights when not in use. 
  • Fix leaky faucets, bad insulation, etc. in order to make your house more energy efficient.
  • Make sure that your tire pressure is at the right amount of pounds.
  • Use environmentally friendly cleaning products. 
  • Make your own clothes using materials like wool. 
  • Make use of hydroponic gardens, especially during winter months. 
  • Gather food from your surrounding area. 
  • Eat raw food (good for your health).
  • Recycle batteries or use rechargeable ones. 
  • Recycle plastic, aluminum, paper, etc. on campus and at home. 
  • Donate clothing.
  • Watch the stores where you shop by utilizing sites such as "" in order to find out what stores and/or products are environmentally and ethically responsible.
These things are a short list of hundreds of things that each of us can actively choose to do in order to reduce our carbon footprint, help our environment and become healthier and consequently more fulfilled citizens of this earth. It is by paying attention to the little things that will add up to help the human race to thrive rather than burn out by our irresponsible use of precious natural resources. 

1 comment:

  1. 2 points for writing up and critically thinking about our impact on Global Warming and ways to reduce global warming.
